What is Mindful Life Coaching?

Working with Brook Montagna as your Mindful Life Coach will provide you with insight and support to find and stay on your path of awakening to your authentic self.  The emphasis is on personal growth and spiritual growth, mindful living, creativity, acceptance and freedom in the mature years.   

  • Support for discovering and uncovering your inner wisdom
  • Greater understanding of your emotional and cognitive patterns
  • Choosing to live based on your values
  • Enjoy greater self expression
  • Enhanced appreciation for life through present moment awareness and mindful living

What is mindfulness coaching?
The power for life is in the present moment, in the Now, when clear action can create the results you want. Mindfulness practice is being more present and more fully aware of each moment. The benefits of being mindful are many, but include being able to see things more clearly and therefore, make better decisions. Mindful living allows for greater connection to your authentic self in each moment, the ability to weather the storms of mental and emotional upset more easily, and the experience of peace of mind and gratitude for more moments of your life.

If you would like to know more about how I can help you, I invite you to Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation.